Rotary District 6560 and the Indianapolis NE
Rotary Club provide $2914 through 2006-2007 District Simplified Grant
for Well in Blantyre, Malawi that serves 1500 people. Posted April 20, 2007 Through Indianapolis NE Rotarian Victor Kubik and LifeNets, District 6560 supplied $1914 and the the Indianapolis NE Club added an additional $1000 for drilling a borehole in Blantyre, Malawi to supply the water needs of the community. Victor and Beverly Kubik visited the well project on
October 4, 2006. Bev writes in the December 1, 2006 LifeLines,
LifeNets Newsletter:
"We visited the new borehole, or well. Water is life. A young lady, daughter in the family where the well was drilled, told us how she walked about one mile each way to collect water for the family. She did this four times each day, uphill and downhill, carrying a five gallon bucket on her head. It’s a necessary chore done by the women every day. Can you imagine how much it means to have water available out your back door? This well also makes water available to about 1,500 people in the immediate neighborhood. It is customary to charge a small monthly sum to draw water at the well and this family now has a small, steady income, something it has not had for about five years. We thank our Central Indiana District Rotary Clubs for providing the financing for this well."